Monday, May 6, 2013

The Code of being weight Conscious

Once in awhile we would look at ourselves in the mirror (especially during or after taking a shower), is this me? How the heck did I come to this? Reminiscing the past would almost as always enthralls us to take a deep thinking on the why’s and the how’s. Probably the easiest solution that would come up is the prospect that we are getting older by the day. Metabolism might be one of the factors that affect this. Or so they say.

I am almost the age of 4 decade and have a wife and a beautiful daughter, yet, the norm would usually be come as it may. Whatever I am now physically is the product of being married and old age. That’s a big excuse! The fact that being here for damn too long on this third planet from the sun, we should always keep in mind that disease lurks in our midst. Have you ever observed that? To name a few: The aching joints, long recovery every after a strenuous activity, shortness of breath, high blood sugar and most of all, being hypertensive. While it’s never be too late to encourage once self to be weight conscious, diet alone cannot solve this. It’s only 5% of the equation. Exercise, exercise and exercise is the other 95%. It might not be easy but, I was almost 200 lbs, now, after 4 years of blood and sweat, I am proud to be 168 lbs. All I did was research, observed and study. Research, get the facts, your goals and most important, which exercise regimen suits for you. Observed, get to interview and see for yourself actual results of people whom you see fit and healthy. Asked their way of living, how they eat, what’s their way of doing things during exercise. Study, how this data’s would fit in you. Everyone is different, what might work for the other guy doesn’t really work on you. Learn to listen to your body and prepare to make this as a lifestyle.

Remember, all this thing comes up with your ultimate goal. To set something and challenge yourself is a very hard thing to do when you are not really into it. Be focus and just do it.

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